Packing Machine team should include representatives from various

Source: DATE: 2012-12-13 06:14 Clicks:

Packing Machine team should include representatives from various sectors during – procurement, investment , quality , engineering, production , logistics , health care, security , systems management, and coordination with the seller . Internal and external users must form partnerships. For example , the system administrator must be a coordinated part of the collective . Seller shall become Packing Machine quality management process components.

In this way, everyone formulate clear requirements , can follow these requirements, and to evaluate and correct irregularities in the office . Second is to develop Packing Machine System specifications and requirements. These constitute the development of a detailed system design of the main frame. The best way is to work with the vendor to create a “functional design” to meet the requirements of both the company and the seller .

Detailed specification should determine the speed and detection methods , such as projects such as indicators, but is not able to achieve the specific hardware or software models . No expert or coordinating role of the input information, it may cause excessive sexual norms , will limit the design innovation and technological development .

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