Packaging machines form a single rough basic accessories life is short

Source: DATE: 2013-07-24 02:42 Clicks:

1 in the packaging machine structure, the domestic food packaging machine packing machine in the market alone accounted for a large proportion, compared to developed countries set of accessories facilities, completely at the low end level. In addition, the proportion of its host also affects auxiliary equipment supplement cannot achieve efficient multi-functional packaging production. Technically, the high-tech, high value-added, high productivity models and more models for special materials processing fewer types of markets tend to be too generic, unable to meet the growing requirements of all kinds. Stability in the packaging, poor reliability, packaging machines form a single rough, basic accessories life is short, with foreign products than the same productivity and energy efficiency ratio and are difficult. According to statistics, only a part of the domestic packaging machine developed countries has reached 90 years of product.

2 in the R & D capabilities, some domestic small and medium enterprises have not have independent R & D capabilities, inadequate investment in new technology hindered its ability to adapt to new market trends enhance the proliferation of generic products on the market, new products and new cannot be guaranteed technology development and cannot keep changing market demands.

3 in the enterprise scale, domestic food packaging machine in the building repeat more serious, mainly in small-scale enterprises, productivity has been greatly limitations, cannot meet the large market orders. In addition, the product selection, low-cost, low-technology-based, leading to confusion in the market and hinder development of the industry.

Drawbacks, although it will exist for a long, but still very optimistic about the prospects for domestic development, companies are also constantly need to engage in exploration and improvement in the future will be able to catch up with developed countries.

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